The Young Warriors youth program offered at the Rochester Shotokan Karate Dojo is designed to develop students aged 7-12 years old. A balanced curriculum of physical and cognitive challenging exercises stimulates learning. An environment of increasing levels of adversity prompts students to appreciate their abilities to achieve through effort, learn complex motor skills while harmonizing and socializing with others, and problem solve while coping with stressful conditions.


Unique adversities challenge this age group in life and will potentially have profound impact on the development of their character. Self-control, stress management and behavior control, and coping with peer pressure and bullying while maintaining self-respect are all concepts and issues address through the Young Warriors curriculum.

Underlying all programs of training at the Rochester Shotokan Karate Dojo is the value of developing one’s strengths both physically and mentally while maintaining humility and control. Our Young Warriors are empowered to use their knowledge and developing strengths to help others and not hurt them.  They are instructed to make good choices, be mindful of the potential outcomes of the choices before they are made and be accountable for the outcomes of those choices.  Young Warriors are encouraged to share what they know with new students and invest in each other’s success. This expectation helps develop leadership skills as they advance.

 Lifelong relationships and fond memories are often made in our Young Warrior Program. These students have more time to invest with their fellow dojomates before their teenage years when work options and college planning take that time away.

Character is build during this time. With help, a strong work ethic and sense of achievement by those efforts is established.

 The Young Warrior Program provides the means for students to develop a skill, develop confidence and a sense of achievement in developing that skill, and the environment to challege and test these new skills in a healthy and competitive way.

Many students at this level of training choose to work together and compete as teams in various levels of competition; local, national and international.



Tuesdays and Thursdays                   5:00 – 6:00pm


See the RSKDojo Pricing Rate Sheet for more information on rates and discounts.

Contact Us further for more information

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RSKD Registration Form

Download this Registration Form here for any of the karate training programs, fill it out and bring it to the next class.